Everbuild 501 PVA Bond
501501 Universal PVA Bond is a medium viscosity, polyvinyl alcohol stabilized, externally plasticized, vinyl acetate homopolymer. Contains no harmful phthalates. It has been designed specifically for use in the building industry as a general purpose bonding agent, and additive for concrete and plasters and as a multi-use adhesive.
UK Wide Delivery | SIIS Ltd
Dundee - 0 Available
Dunfermline - 4 Available
Edinburgh - 5 Available
Everbuild 501 PVA Bond Features:
UK Wide Delivery | SIIS Ltd
PVA Bond is a multi-purpose bonding agent, primer, sealer, cement and plaster admixture that adheres to most common building and DIY materials. Ideal for priming unsound surfaces prior to plastering or painting, as an adhesive on wood, cork, textiles and most applications where at least one surface is porous, for general dust sealing on flaking paintwork/walls etc and as a cement and plaster admixture.
- Fully conforms to BS 5270
- Improves flexibility of sand cement products
- Reduced water: cement ratio for equivalent workability
- Reduces surface porosity of mortar and plaster
- Improved frost resistance
Everbuild 501 PVA Bond Specifications:
Packaging - 1ltr, 5ltr
Shelf Life - 12 Months from date of manufacture in original unopened containers.
Storage Conditions - To ensure safe storage of EVERBUILD® 501 Universal PVA Bond, containers should be well sealed to prevent evaporation of water and the formation of skin on the surface. The emulsion must be stored at a temperature above freezing.
Storage temperature - 5°C - 25°C is recommended. Higher temperatures will affect quality and cause the formation of crusts and skins, especially if the containers are not tightly closed or subjected to direct sunlight for long periods.
Density - ca. 1.07 g/cm3
pH-Value - 4 - 6